
Change to the climate information decided the kinds of illustrations I was making! The information is kind of factual but to the point and decided my subjects/ the types of articles I went on from most basic/ alarming research- to look for, and maybe a few funny stories where possible.

  • Habitat loss, pollution- lost species golden toad, baiji dolphin, hawaiian crow, spix macaw, black-faced honey creepers are carrying diseases.
  • Animals adapting to climate: move uphill for plant life, fish in the North sea move northwards.
  • Arctic ice melts 9% per decade. Polar bears depend upon it.
  • Sea turtles can’t survive if the tides are rising, and the temperature of the sea controls the sex of the new born, which then affects offspring again.
  • 300/350 North atlantic whales remain, the temperature of the water causes problems with the amount of plankton for whales.
  • If bamboo is affected pandas will be.
  • Indonesias only ape Orangutan is potentially going to be extinct in the next 2 decades- droughts, logging, bushfire is the cause.
  • African elephants need more room, and dryer seasons is a problem for them.
  • 3,200 tigers left.
  • Aesthetically, and educationally they are important, they affect the ecosystem… chain reaction for other species occurs: plankton decline: fish decline- job losses for fisherman.
  • Ecotourism changes, because people won’t be able to see tigers, elephants, pandas etc. this would result in less travel, less economically developed countries out of pocket.
  • Reduced human food resources- is amphibians were extinct that would definitely affect medicines. Medicines coming from bees- bees are affects by Varroa virus. Along with loss of insects would be problematic for plants, and insects that need to eat other insects.
  • Change in human risk to disease, with the species which are immune to certain diseases get killed off, the remaining animals take the buffer species place but cannot ward of disease increasing the risk of humans contracting diseases.
  • Painkillers come from cone snail venom, tunicates, and marine invertebrate .
  • Only 20.2% of drugs that fight cancer are made in the lab. 22.6% of purely synthetic for fighting infection.
  • 80% of drugs used to fight cancer and other infections are found in nature…

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